The standing twist is a milder standing version of the stretch in Ardha matsyendrasana. Like the F.A.I.R. test, it brings the thigh into adduction and internal rotation.
- Place a chair against the wall.
- To stretch your right hip, stand with your right side next to the wall.
- Place your right foot on the chair, with your knee bent to roughly 90 degrees.
- Keep your standing leg straight, and steady your balance by placing your right hand on the wall.
- Lift your left heel high, coming onto the mounds of the toes, and turn your body toward the wall, using your hands for balance.
- As you exhale, lower your left heel to the floor, maintaining the twist.
- Allow your right hip to descend, keeping your hips relatively level.
- Hold for several breaths.
Remember! If you feel pain while exercising, stop, and seek professional advice.